Internet Meme Groups
A Series of Tubes
227 membersA group for those interested in the complex network of tubes that make up the internet, discussing the structure, implications, and future of the internet.
All Your Base Are Belong To Us
326 membersA group for those interested in the popular phrase from a classic video game, exploring the history and cultural impact of the meme.
Bonzai Kitten
117 membersA group for those interested in the infamous internet hoax, discussing the origin of the hoax and its implications for the internet community.
Boom Goes the Dynamite
124 membersA group for those who love the classic soundbite from a sports broadcast, exploring its use as a meme and its impact on the internet culture.
Brokeback Mountain Parodies
66 membersA group for those who enjoy the many parodies of the classic movie, discussing the various versions and their implications for popular culture.
Chocolate Rain
178 membersA group for fans of the viral song by Tay Zonday, exploring the origin of the song and its impact on internet culture.
Chuck Norris Facts
300 membersA group for those who appreciate the many jokes about the martial arts actor, discussing the origin of the jokes and their impact on popular culture.
Dancing Baby
80 membersA group for those interested in the classic viral video, discussing the origin of the video and its implications for the internet community.
Dick In A Box
178 membersA group for those who enjoy the popular SNL skit, exploring the origins of the skit and its impact on internet culture.
Diet Coke and Mentos
104 membersA group for those interested in the classic internet phenomenon, discussing the origin of the experiment and its implications for the internet community.
Dramatic Prairie Dog
139 membersA group for those who love the classic viral video, exploring its use as a meme and its impact on the internet culture.
Evolution of Dance
109 membersA group for fans of the viral video by Judson Laipply, exploring the origin of the video and its impact on internet culture.
74 membersA group for those interested in the infamous internet shock site, discussing the origin of the site and its implications for the internet community.
Hamster Dance
127 membersA group for those who love the classic internet song, exploring its origin and impact on popular culture.
I Like Turtles
172 membersA group for those who enjoy the famous childs response to a reporter, discussing the origin of the phrase and its implications for popular culture.
Leave Britney Alone!
91 membersA group for those who appreciate the classic internet plea, exploring the origin of the phrase and its impact on internet culture.
Little Fatty
23 membersA group for fans of the viral song by Wang Rong Rollin, discussing the origin of the song and its impact on internet culture.
348 membersA group for those interested in the popular internet meme, discussing the origin of the meme and its implications for the internet community.
60 membersA group for those who love the classic video blog, exploring its use as a meme and its impact on the internet culture.
Numa Numa
162 membersA group for those interested in the classic internet song, discussing the origin of the song and its implications for the internet community.
275 membersA group for those who appreciate the popular internet phrase, exploring the origin of the phrase and its impact on popular culture.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
149 membersA group for fans of the viral song by The Buckwheat Boys, exploring the origin of the song and its impact on internet culture.
Rick Rolling
215 membersA group for those who enjoy the famous internet prank, discussing the origin of the prank and its implications for the internet community.
Star Wars Kid
120 membersA group for those interested in the classic viral video, discussing the origin of the video and its impact on internet culture.
Will It Blend
132 membersA group for those who appreciate the classic internet experiment, exploring the origin of the experiment and its implications for the internet community.
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