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No new posts All Your Base Are Belong To Us
A group for those interested in the popular phrase from a classic video game, exploring the history and cultural impact of the meme.
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No new posts Chuck Norris Facts
A group for those who appreciate the many jokes about the martial arts actor, discussing the origin of the jokes and their impact on popular culture.
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No new posts A Series of Tubes
A group for those interested in the complex network of tubes that make up the internet, discussing the structure, implications, and future of the internet.
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No new posts LOLcat
A group for those interested in the popular internet meme, discussing the origin of the meme and its implications for the internet community.
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No new posts O RLY
A group for those who appreciate the popular internet phrase, exploring the origin of the phrase and its impact on popular culture.
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No new posts Dick In A Box
A group for those who enjoy the popular SNL skit, exploring the origins of the skit and its impact on internet culture.
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No new posts Peanut Butter Jelly Time
A group for fans of the viral song by The Buckwheat Boys, exploring the origin of the song and its impact on internet culture.
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No new posts I Like Turtles
A group for those who enjoy the famous childs response to a reporter, discussing the origin of the phrase and its implications for popular culture.
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No new posts Boom Goes the Dynamite
A group for those who love the classic soundbite from a sports broadcast, exploring its use as a meme and its impact on the internet culture.
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No new posts Will It Blend
A group for those who appreciate the classic internet experiment, exploring the origin of the experiment and its implications for the internet community.
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No new posts Leave Britney Alone!
A group for those who appreciate the classic internet plea, exploring the origin of the phrase and its impact on internet culture.
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No new posts Chocolate Rain
A group for fans of the viral song by Tay Zonday, exploring the origin of the song and its impact on internet culture.
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No new posts Numa Numa
A group for those interested in the classic internet song, discussing the origin of the song and its implications for the internet community.
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No new posts Diet Coke and Mentos
A group for those interested in the classic internet phenomenon, discussing the origin of the experiment and its implications for the internet community.
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No new posts Hamster Dance
A group for those who love the classic internet song, exploring its origin and impact on popular culture.
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No new posts Rick Rolling
A group for those who enjoy the famous internet prank, discussing the origin of the prank and its implications for the internet community.
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No new posts Star Wars Kid
A group for those interested in the classic viral video, discussing the origin of the video and its impact on internet culture.
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No new posts Goatse
A group for those interested in the infamous internet shock site, discussing the origin of the site and its implications for the internet community.
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No new posts Dramatic Prairie Dog
A group for those who love the classic viral video, exploring its use as a meme and its impact on the internet culture.
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No new posts Lonelygirl15
A group for those who love the classic video blog, exploring its use as a meme and its impact on the internet culture.
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No new posts Brokeback Mountain Parodies
A group for those who enjoy the many parodies of the classic movie, discussing the various versions and their implications for popular culture.
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No new posts Evolution of Dance
A group for fans of the viral video by Judson Laipply, exploring the origin of the video and its impact on internet culture.
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No new posts Little Fatty
A group for fans of the viral song by Wang Rong Rollin, discussing the origin of the song and its impact on internet culture.
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No new posts Bonzai Kitten
A group for those interested in the infamous internet hoax, discussing the origin of the hoax and its implications for the internet community.
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No new posts Dancing Baby
A group for those interested in the classic viral video, discussing the origin of the video and its implications for the internet community.
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